
Shiseido Peel-Off Masks

Shiseido Vital Perfection Mineral Mud Blackhead Removal Mask is highly effective at reducing and removing blackheads, whiteheads and dirt.

It also helps in tightening the skin and reducing enlarged pore size. After cleansing with warm water, gently spread and apply evenly and leave it to dry for 30mins. Peel it off gently.

面膜分类: 撕拉式
功效: 控油 收缩毛孔 提拉紧致 去黑头 深层清洁 抗衰老/抗皱 祛粉刺/祛痘 提亮肤色 抗氧化 美白 补水 祛斑 保湿 抗敏感
适合肤质: 所有肤质
化妆品容量: 12g/ml
品牌: Shiseido/资生堂

化妆品特性: 温和度 使用效果 清洁度 无残留

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